LifeSavers Upscale Resale Store hosted the annual shopping spree for New Friends New Life (NFNL). Each shopper had the opportunity to stock up or do some Christmas shopping on us!

We had the opportunity to listen again to the stories of young ladies who have been victimized by the sex industry, and hear them talk about the ways NFNL has helped them. As one put it, “they’ve saved my life.”

It’s hard to imagine some of the difficulties these women have been through, but they’ve been given hope by this wonderful organization. As one put it, “They’ve given me the stability that I needed to transition.”

Almost without exception, each of the young ladies said they had been introduced to NFNL by a friend. In fact, it all started when a young girl visited Preston Road Church of Christ and said, “I can’t do this anymore.” The church took on the challenge of helping her step out of the sex industry, and she in turn brought another friend for help. At that point a ministry began to take shape and a program was developed to provide the material and spiritual support for positive change.

We, at The LifeSavers Foundation are proud to introduce those of you who don’t know our friends at NFNL and to thank those of you are already friends and supporters. Thanks to you, we are able to help these young women find New Friends and New Life!

LifeSavers Foundation is a faith-based approach to health and well-being for expectant mothers and young children, through The Doctor Spot, Pregnancy Resources, and Upscale Resale Store in Richardson, TX.