The Lifesavers Foundation Upscale Resale piano boy cOne day a teenaged boy came into LifeSavers Foundation’s Upscale Resale Store with his mother. They had heard from his piano teacher that there was a piano for sale and wanted to take a look at it. The young man sat down at the piano and began playing some Bach and Pachelbel pieces which he performed well. After about 15 minutes, the duo left the store. His mother indicated that she was going to have to find the money to purchase the piano.

While the teenager was playing, there was a gentleman shopping in the store who listened to him play and overheard that funds to purchase the piano were unavailable. After the boy and his mother left, he approached the cash register and indicated that he wanted to purchase the piano anonymously for the young man because he “wanted him to have it”. It truly was a selfless gesture on the part of the customer.

After hearing that the piano had been purchased for her son, the mother brought the teenager back to retrieve the piano. Both were very appreciative that a Good Samaritan had come to their rescue and provided the piano. Now, her son will have the ability to practice anytime.

LifeSavers Foundation board members, volunteers and staff experience God’s mercy through the resale store continuously. We are grateful and blessed to do so.

The LifeSavers Foundation is a faith based approach to health and well being for expectant mothers and young children, through The Doctor Spot, Pregnancy Resources, and the Upscale Resale Shop in Richardson, TX.